3 Things Every Aspiring Yoga Teacher Should Know

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Teaching yoga is one of the best ways to further your own practice and knowledge as well as make a good career out of it. If yoga is your passion, then it is well worth becoming a yoga instructor.

But teaching yoga can be frightening and stressful even for the most knowledgeable teacher. It, however, does not mean that you should not take the next step. There are a lot of people who want to enhance their practice and become yoga instructors, but the fear and doubts they have usually don’t let them take the leap.

Don’t let your doubts and fears take control of your soul because these are natural feelings and they usually go away when you complete the necessary yoga teacher training program.

As an aspiring teacher, you should know a few things before you take the next big step. Here are 6 things that every aspiring yoga instructor needs to know before practicing teaching.

Your Personal Practice Must Go On

  • Becoming a yoga teacher requires a lot of inspiration and motivation, and the only way you can strengthen these two elements is by deeping your own practice of yoga. You must maintain both ‘in studio’ or ‘at home’ yoga practice before you join a yoga teacher class such as the 200-hour yoga teacher training program.

When you join a Registered Yoga Training program (RYT), you are exposed to a diverse range of yoga methodologies and teaching skills that will help enhance your personal development.

  • The more you practice, the more you’ll learn about different yoga asanas which are necessary to become a professional yoga teacher. Learning how a certain yoga posture feels with your body will equip you with the right tools to guide your students in the future.

It will also help you understand the fundamentals and core principals taught in a 200-hour teacher training program.

Only Join a Registered Yoga School

  • There’s no shortage of yoga teacher training courses in the U.S. Nearly every yoga studio offers basic and continuing education yoga certifications. But the most important part is joining a school that is registered with the Yoga Alliance USA.

Yoga Alliance USA has certain standards for yoga instructors and schools that must be met before they can become a member of the alliance. The certification with the RYT sticker is always more authoritative than typical certifications.

If you’re planning to teach yoga in Illinois, whether in a studio or as your own business, a certificate that proves you are registered with the alliance will boost your student’s confidence in you.

Teacher Training Must Go On

  • A lot of aspiring teachers think that once they have completed the 200-hour teacher training course, they will have enough teaching skills to take on the most advanced yoga students.

Yoga teacher training does not end with a 200-hour teacher training certification. There are more certifications such as the 300/500 hour teacher training programs that further enhance your knowledge of the ancient practice and gives you the right tools to take on the most advanced students.

  • Once you have completed the basic teacher training course, consider joining the advanced yoga certifications to become a master at what you do. You will find that the courses never end even after you have completed 300/500 hour yoga teacher training certifications.

To become a specialist, you will have to take on continuing courses.

We Can Help You Start a Career in Yoga

Wild Abundant Life is a world-class Registered Yoga School (RYS)  in Illinois that offers 200/300/500 hour yoga teacher training courses as well as continuing education courses to help you advance your career and create success.

We offer both ‘in-studio’ and ‘online yoga teacher training courses. Check the 2019 Yoga Teacher Training schedule to find the right course for you. Alternatively, you can connect with us online by filling a 2-minute form and we’ll help you pick a course that suits your needs and routine.

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